Sunday, November 8, 2015

Week 3 begins

Solo I had a .2 gain and that is okay because I knew that first week was just crazy with the blood pressure meds. But its okay. Finally adding exercise starting today. I need to go out of my way to exercise and going to the compass gym us great because its free.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Its November

Today is November 1. So great that it is no a Sunday. Technically today is the last day of the week as it is the day GOD rested. But for me its a chance to kick my weight loss into high gear. I missed weigh in yesterday because of the flooding and am hoping I did not do too bad yesterday. Getting ready to shake things up and move ahead to victory. This excitement I am feeling is GOD leading me. I know I can do this. I have to keep reading and surrounding myself with positive weight loss stuff so I never forget. This is going to take lots of time and I have to stay the course.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Why am I can dang n hungry. I had the we smoothie and figured that would hold me for a while but nope it did not. I am trying to hold on until at least 9 or so before I eat. 😂

Trying to lose weight really sucks. I think about food all day or what I am going to eat. I want this to not be so hard and I guess eventually it will get better or at least I an praying it does. Its crazy how easy it is to type and not write. I guess I am still journaling. Thank you Lord for helping me find what I needed to keep putting my thoughts on paper.

Its amazing, I read the last post and I have to admit..EPIC FAIL. I did not make full use of my lapband and I am hoping next year to find a dr to see so I can start using it again. I am going to ask Dr. Conley Harvey for any recommendations. Maybe Kelsey has a dr I can see and just pay the 40 copay and then of course the 20%.

I started WW again for the 1000th time since I first joined in 1993 and man I weigh 269.4 pounds. This week has been up and down. I can't seem to stay away from sweets and have OVER indulged in a big way. I finally ate all the reeses from bosses day which I feel pretty bad about.

I set a goal this week of 2 bottles of water or 32 oz and three fruits/veggies. I have done okay. I did not drink all my water yesterday. Its sooo much easier to drink water at home then at work. Weird...right?

Hopefully I will have a loss this week. I did cheat a little as I am back on my blood pressure meds so that will release some of the water. BINGO...that's why I have gone to the bathroom so much. DUH Nina.

It took me that long to figure that out. What was I thinking...Oh wait, I wasn't lol.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I finally got approved for the Lap Band surgery. Surgery date is Dec 4 and I am ready. This weight loss journey has been long and emotional. I am allowing myself the last few weeks to binge and then November 1, 2008 I start the cutbacks. The liquid diet starts Nov 20 which is two weeks before turkey day food for me! Trying to bribe my mom into cooking a small dinner for me ahead of time so I can try to enjoy the dressing and homemade dumplings. She said no at first but I am her baby girl so hopefully she will have some soft feelings for me. Anyway, this is a change and I am going to go to counseling soon plus I have to have all the blood tests run etc.

The exercise starts next week because I am afraid of the loose skin so hopefully with cardio and strength training, it will be minimal.

Otherwise things are okay. Not sure why I have the blah's but I am hoping they pass soon.

Til next time...Be Blessed.